75 research outputs found

    Future Contingents and the Logic of Temporal Omniscience

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    At least since Aristotle’s famous 'sea-battle' passages in On Interpretation 9, some substantial minority of philosophers has been attracted to the doctrine of the open future--the doctrine that future contingent statements are not true. But, prima facie, such views seem inconsistent with the following intuition: if something has happened, then (looking back) it was the case that it would happen. How can it be that, looking forwards, it isn’t true that there will be a sea battle, while also being true that, looking backwards, it was the case that there would be a sea battle? This tension forms, in large part, what might be called the problem of future contingents. A dominant trend in temporal logic and semantic theorizing about future contingents seeks to validate both intuitions. Theorists in this tradition--including some interpretations of Aristotle, but paradigmatically, Thomason (1970), as well as more recent developments in Belnap, et. al (2001) and MacFarlane (2003, 2014)--have argued that the apparent tension between the intuitions is in fact merely apparent. In short, such theorists seek to maintain both of the following two theses: (i) the open future: Future contingents are not true, and (ii) retro-closure: From the fact that something is true, it follows that it was the case that it would be true. It is well-known that reflection on the problem of future contingents has in many ways been inspired by importantly parallel issues regarding divine foreknowledge and indeterminism. In this paper, we take up this perspective, and ask what accepting both the open future and retro-closure predicts about omniscience. When we theorize about a perfect knower, we are theorizing about what an ideal agent ought to believe. Our contention is that there isn’t an acceptable view of ideally rational belief given the assumptions of the open future and retro-closure, and thus this casts doubt on the conjunction of those assumptions

    Structural Refinement for the Modal nu-Calculus

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    We introduce a new notion of structural refinement, a sound abstraction of logical implication, for the modal nu-calculus. Using new translations between the modal nu-calculus and disjunctive modal transition systems, we show that these two specification formalisms are structurally equivalent. Using our translations, we also transfer the structural operations of composition and quotient from disjunctive modal transition systems to the modal nu-calculus. This shows that the modal nu-calculus supports composition and decomposition of specifications.Comment: Accepted at ICTAC 201

    Hennessy-Milner Logic with Greatest Fixed Points as a Complete Behavioural Specification Theory

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    There are two fundamentally different approaches to specifying and verifying properties of systems. The logical approach makes use of specifications given as formulae of temporal or modal logics and relies on efficient model checking algorithms; the behavioural approach exploits various equivalence or refinement checking methods, provided the specifications are given in the same formalism as implementations. In this paper we provide translations between the logical formalism of Hennessy-Milner logic with greatest fixed points and the behavioural formalism of disjunctive modal transition systems. We also introduce a new operation of quotient for the above equivalent formalisms, which is adjoint to structural composition and allows synthesis of missing specifications from partial implementations. This is a substantial generalisation of the quotient for deterministic modal transition systems defined in earlier papers

    Hybridization of institutions

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    Extended version including all proofsModal logics are successfully used as specification logics for reactive systems. However, they are not expressive enough to refer to individual states and reason about the local behaviour of such systems. This limitation is overcome in hybrid logics which introduce special symbols for naming states in models. Actually, hybrid logics have recently regained interest, resulting in a number of new results and techniques as well as applications to software specification. In this context, the first contribution of this paper is an attempt to ‘universalize’ the hybridization idea. Following the lines of [DS07], where a method to modalize arbitrary institutions is presented, the paper introduces a method to hybridize logics at the same institution-independent level. The method extends arbitrary institutions with Kripke semantics (for multi-modalities with arbitrary arities) and hybrid features. This paves the ground for a general result: any encoding (expressed as comorphism) from an arbitrary institution to first order logic (FOL) deter- mines a comorphism from its hybridization to FOL. This second contribution opens the possibility of effective tool support to specification languages based upon logics with hybrid features.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Crystal structure of dichlorido(4,11-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazabicyclo[6.6.2]hexadecane)iron(III) hexafluoridophosphate

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    The title compound, [FeCl₂(C₁₄H₃₀N₄)]PF₆, contains FeÂłâș coordinated by the four nitro­gen atoms of an ethyl­ene cross-bridged cyclam macrocycle and two cis chloride ligands in a distorted octa­hedral environment. In contrast to other similar compounds this is a monomer. Inter­molecular C-H...Cl inter­actions exist in the structure between the complex ions. Comparison with the mononuclear FeÂČâș complex of the same ligand shows that the smaller FeÂłâș ion is more fully engulfed by the cavity of the bicyclic ligand. Comparison with the ÎŒ-oxido dinuclear complex of an unsubstituted ligand of the same size demonstrates that the methyl groups of 4,11-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetra­aza­bicyclo­[6.6.2]hexa­decane prevent dimerization upon oxidation


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    Anggit Margaret, C9407031 2011. Profil Wisatawan Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Program Studi Diploma III Usaha Perjalanan Wisata Fakultas Sastra Dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian tugas akhir ini mengkaji tentang Profil Wisatawan di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dari daerah mana saja wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka, bagaimana ciri-ciri wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka serta harapan-harapan yang diinginkan wisatawan terhadap Museum Radya Pustaka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan narasumber wisatawan yang berkujung di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta tempat penulis melakukan penelitian, serta studi pustaka dan studi dokumen guna menambah sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang berasal dari Semarang sebesar 32%. (2) Mayoritas wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka berusia antara 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah pelajar atau mahasiswa dengan prosentase 52%. (3) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang ke Museum Radya Pustaka adalah bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian yaitu sebesar 34%. (4) Harapan wisatawan yang berkunjung terhadap kelangsungan Museum Radya Pustaka sebagian besar adalah agar ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan museum, agar kejadian hilangnya benda-benda koleksi museum tidak terulang lagi dikemudian hari. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa wisatawan yang berkujung ke Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta mayoritas berasal dari Semarang, mayoritas berusia 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah berprofesi sebagai pelajar dan mahasiswa. Kebanyakan wisatawan yang datang bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian, serta harapan wisatawan terhadap Museum Radya Pustaka adalah supaya lebih ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan museum
